What I think about the basic tools in classic folding Victorinoxes and the knives themselves in particular. The most successful, in my opinion, models: 1) If you need Victorinox specifically as a knife. Then this is definitely the Victorinox Sentinel One Hand (with the ability to open one-handed) https://www.nozhikov.ru/product/nozh-... They often write about it that this is a knife for the police and special services, but in fact it is a simple, cheap, practical and properly made folding knife! 2) If you need that very small, red and most classic) Then my choice is the Victorinox Compact https://www.nozhikov.ru/product/nozh-... 3) And the last category is large knives with serious tools. Like the Gardener knife shown in this video. https://www.nozhikov.ru/product/nozh-... In this category, you need to clearly understand what kind of tool is there and whether you will use it. PROMOCODE bushcraft7 will give a discount on the entire range of the store. Nozhikov store group in VK http://vk.com/nozhikovv Nozhikov store in instagram / nozhikov.ru Nozhikov store group in Odnoklassniki https://ok.ru/group/56431467692055 #victorinox #victorinox #foldingknives ______________________________________________ What is useful to know? The videos on this channel are mainly devoted to bushcraft and life in the wild. Bushcraft is a systematic set of techniques, skills, crafts, as well as the philosophy of such a life. This is not necessarily survival and extreme, although such a section is also here. This knowledge can be useful for outdoor recreation, tourists, hunters, fishermen, everyone who willingly or unwillingly ended up in wild places. That is, bushcraft is not the activity itself, such as tourism, but only the skills for it. ************************************************* COLLABORATION and ADVERTISING [email protected] VKontakte group https://vk.com/public193781378 / kaltakhchyan Instagram https://vk.com/id74399400 VK my personal page / alexandr.kaltakhchyan Facebook