The interim president of the PNL, Ilie Bolojan, declared on Monday evening, on Jurnalul de Seară, on Digi 24, that the party he leads will vote for "any project that means greater efficiency in local public administration", referring to the project on administrative reform announced by the PSD. "Paternity is less important", said Bolojan, who explained that a "critical parliamentary mass is needed to finalize" this reform. The PNL leader also said, in the same broadcast, that the liberals do not agree with a progressive tax for incomes over 5,000 euros. ➥ For more news, visit the Digi24 website - https://www.digi24.ro/ ➥ Subscribe to our YouTube channel - https://bit.ly/36CZ907 #Digi24 #ȘtirileDigi24