Hello Fishermen, Fisherwomen, Fisherwomen and Fishermen. Today I suggest you watch a very useful and very informative story about feeder fishing. Namely, about the FLAT FEEDER direction. At the moment, the flat feeder is gaining crazy popularity among fishermen. This is due to the fact that there are fewer large fish in our rivers and it is becoming more difficult to catch them on a feeder. And here commercial reservoirs and a flat feeder come to the aid of fishermen. Pulling out a large carp on a feeder is the dream of any fisherman. And the pleasure that he gets from catching large carp on a flat feeder cannot be compared with anything. That is why I decided to shoot an educational story about how to successfully catch carp on a flat feeder. The story will contain a lot of useful insider information about fishing on a flat feeder. Which rod and which reel to choose. What to wind on the reel. What bait and nozzles to pay attention to. What rigs to use. What tactics to choose for carp fishing on a flat feeder and how to save your budget. In this story, I proved! WHAT! FLAT FEEDER is not difficult! FLAT FEEDER is not expensive! FLAT FEEDER is interesting! Support the story with a like, only your activity motivates me to make high-quality and useful content. And whoever reposts on their page in any social network will get + 1000 in FEEDERMAN karma! ✅ All the secrets of feeder fishing are here. Click now - tomorrow, cool FEEDER fishing! ✅ FISHING SCHOOL N 1 - https://fishschool1.com/ ✅ Cool caps with the FEEDERMAN logo can be bought here. https://www.instagram.com/viktoria_ch... ????Don't forget to subscribe to me: ✅ YouTube - / @feederman ✅ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/feederman_o... ✅ Telegram - https://t.me/FeederManoficial ✅ Facebook - / feederman.pp.ua ✅ FeederMan Blog - https://feederman.pp.ua/ ✅ Tik Tok - https://www.tiktok.com/@feederman_off... ✅ FeederMan Chat - https://t.me/joinchat/RoUx05wale04CqTi NAVIGATION for convenience. 00:00 start. 00:30 hello fishermen. 02:15 selection of rods and reels. 06:15 what to wind on the reel. Do you need a shock leader. 09:00 Fishing spot logistics. 11:05 How to choose bait for a flat feeder. 16:15 Feeders and hooks and various devices for a flat feeder. 24:00 Flat feeder montages. 26:20 Top carp baits. 29:30 Making a top carp bait (snowman or acorn) 33:20 Welcome to the FEEDERMEN chicken. 35:20 How to fish with a flat feeder. Carp fishing tactics. 40:15 Basic mistakes of beginners. 45:00 Flat feeder is simple. The tips work.