Synopsis This Fla Hexa documentary follows round by round the victorious trajectory of Clube de Regatas do Flamengo in the 2009 Brazilian Championship. The team's ups and downs, the joy of great victories and the apprehension of defeats. The return of Adriano and Petkovic, the promotion of Andrade and the consecration of Ronaldo Angelim. All this with commentary by Júnior and never-before-seen interviews with Andrade, Petkovic, Ronaldo Angelim, Maldonado and Toró, the documentary also features the goals of the Hexa campaign and never-before-seen images of the final game against Grêmio. Documentary Information Original Title: Flamengo Hexacampeão Brasileiro 2009 Translated Title: Flamengo Hexacampeão Brasileiro 2009 Genre: Documentary Duration: 1H 03 min Director: Geral do Mengão Year of Release: 2009 Size: 697 Mb Format: AVI Audio Quality: 10 Video Quality: 10 Language: Portuguese