Five Star Family Series - Episode 1 Full HD - Bad Luck Five Star Family is a Syrian comedy series produced by Al-Sham International Company in 1993, starring Amal Arafa, Andre Skaf, Samia Al-Jazaery, Fares Al-Helou, and Amana Wali, and directed by Hisham Sharbatji. The series was first shown on the Syrian Arab TV channel on its first channel and achieved unprecedented success. The events of the series take place in 27 episodes with different topics and titles. The main template of the series revolves around the family of Umm Ahmed Balalish (Samia Al-Jazaery) and her children Samar (Amal Arafa), Ahmed (Andre Skaf), and Muhammad. This family lives in a rented house in an old Damascene neighborhood. The employee Farhan (Fares Al-Helou) proposes to Samar, and the mother reluctantly agrees. The events begin to develop. Farhan is distinguished by his speech and behavior in the Homs style, which adds a cheerful atmosphere to the series. In many situations, he brags about his close relationship with Abu Fouad, who can be defined as a responsible person with good relationships who takes care of everyone. Farhan loves drinking mate so much that he always keeps a mate straw in his pocket as if it were a fighter's weapon that he cannot fight without. The characters that appear periodically in the series are: Umm Tayseer: Umm Ahmed's loyal neighbor. The character is played by actress Hoda Shaarawy Umm Khaled: Umm Ahmed's archenemy. One of Umm Khaled's funniest situations is when she takes advantage of Umm Ahmed's absence from the house to rent it out in collusion with the real estate broker Abu Wasfi Awad: Umm Ahmed's niece. She was affected by the events of the Lebanese civil war because she lived through it. Actress Amana Wali plays this character. In one episode, Umm Ahmed takes advantage of Awad's infant son's presence to start a profitable business, which is begging. Abu Mahmoud Al-Samman: One of Umm Ahmed's lovers. This character is played by actor Issam Abahji. Abu Mahmoud suffers a lot from Umm Ahmed's rudeness, but he is in love with her. Abu Wasfi, the real estate broker: One episode describes him as Umm Ahmed's unaware groom. Everything about him is a business and deals, even marriage. Abu Ibrahim: The original owner of the house in which the family lives. This character is played by actor Ahmed Addas. He doesn't appear much in the series, and other characters may appear or be mentioned by name only. A series that is really worth watching.