This is one of the most versatile fishing equipment I could find for fishing on my coasts. A spinning rod that is somewhere between light and heavy, and a reel capable of catching large fish without losing the essence of light fishing. Graphiteleader Tiro Monster Rock GOMTS-812MH-MR https://www.caranx.net/tiro-mr-monste... Shimano Stella 4000 Shimano Stella 4000 (I'm putting another equivalent, the one in the video is discontinued) https://www.caranx.net/shimano-twin-p... Major Craft Dangan https://www.caranx.net/dangan-braid-8... My RODS: Major Craft Triple Cross Rockfish https://www.game-fisher.com/major-cra... Major Craft New Crostage Hard Rock https://www.game-fisher.com/major-cra... My REELS: Shimano Stella 2500 https://www.game-fisher.com/shimano-s... Shimano Stella 4000 https://www.game-fisher.com/shimano-s... Shimano Stella 5000 https://www.game-fisher.com/shimano-s... Shimano Stella 14000 https://www.game-fisher.com/shimano-s... Shimano Stella 18000 https://www.game-fisher.com/shimano-s... My THREADS: Major Craft Dangan https://www.game-fisher.com/major-cra... YGK G-Soul https://www.game-fisher.com/ygk-soul-... My POLARIZED GLASSES: https://amzn.to/2lFJvut Recording Gear: Main Camera: http://amzn.to/2H1IdmV Drone: https://amzn.to/2KlXKzD Mic: http://amzn.to/2H1JaeZ Tripod: http://amzn.to/2nXJC5j Action Cameras: http://amzn.to/2ETkqVx http://amzn.to/2nRwZJQ Power Bank: http://amzn.to/2Is8CLm Backpack Waterproof: https://amzn.to/2IBf6af Leg bag/waist bag: https://amzn.to/2s3oGvH [email protected] / luredfishing / lured_fishing / lured_fishing Produced by Lured Fishing.