I went fishing for the first time in a long time on a yatery without a wing. I took 4 pieces with me, 50 * 110 cm, 60 * 110 cm, 70 * 110 cm and 80 * 110 cm. I set them from evening until morning. I used white bread as bait. These yatery must be baited, because the fish in them go for bait, and not like in yatery with wings. I did not take into account that the bait would dissolve in the water in a very short time, which is why there is a catch, but it is weak. Next time I will use oilcake as bait, which will sour and attract fish for a very long time. For purchase inquiries, please contact: +380980983771 - there is Viber and Telegram +380509536858 - there is WhatsApp ukrsnasti_net_ua - Instagram