2021 was a rainy year and the nearby rivers were full-flowing all summer. The fish disappeared from their usual places and the fishing spots were hidden under a deep layer of water. It was not possible to really fish, and the rare trips were without result. But there was a long-standing dream of visiting the great Lena River, especially since the water level on it was stable. The only thing that bothered me was the invasion of mosquitoes in the summer, which did not even let you put a spoon in your mouth. In the fall, it is already cool and the midges do not pound so hard. And the fish should roll down from small rivers to the main channel, all that remains is to catch it..... Now monetization is disabled, so you can support the channel. Sber MIR card 2202 2053 1746 9218 (Mikhail Georgievich). Thank you!