Maenishi Yoshihiro, a unique angler who is both a musician and music producer, takes on the challenge of tsuri-fishing black porgy off the coast of Osaka Bay. At a time when shrimp casting was the norm for black porgy fishing in Osaka Bay, Maenishi adopted the rocky tsuri-fishing style and became a legend for turning tsuri-fishing into the mainstream with his overwhelming catches. The breakwaters of Osaka Bay are characterized by complex tidal flows, with two- and three-layer tides being the norm. Maenishi overcame these tides by adding lead weights and using semi-guided sinking fishing. Furthermore, he improved his catch by switching from targeting black porgy that was reluctant to stay in deep waters at the end of the spawning season to targeting black porgy that migrated in shallow areas on the slope of paving stones. From Maenishi's current depth work to bait methods, bait selection, and how to catch a bite, he will show you one technique after another for catching black porgy in Osaka Bay.