In Kochi Prefecture's Uranouchi Bay, King Minami Yasushi aims for the year-end spawning season. In a difficult situation where the activity of bait-eaters is very high, King's ingenious tactic changes the situation. Initially, he focuses on ground bait in the deep area beyond the break in order to bring up and catch the large black porgy hiding in the deep water. He has set the stage for black porgy fishing, but the activity of the bait-eater pufferfish does not decrease and the black porgy does not rise to the surface at all. So he abandons the deep area where he has thrown out a large amount of ground bait and switches to targeting the black porgy that crawl along the gentle slope of the shallow water and move around the bottom. This change of strategy is a success, and the situation changes from a difficult battle to a feeding frenzy. And as expected, he catches a large black porgy. King tells us how to catch large black porgy in the spawning season.