We would like to thank Rodrigo from @autocarbelavista for coming to our house to help us test and install the electronic ignition on our Beetle, so we could start the engine for the first time. And finally we heard the roar of the 4x2 exhaust that we got from the guys at Web Escap. OUR PARTNERS IN THIS PROJECT: OffShox: https://offlimits.com.br/ Web Escap: https://www.webescap.net/ E Peças: https://www.epecas.com.br/ Horizonte Auto Peças: https://www.autopecashorizonte.com.br/ Menzoil: http://www.menzoil.com/pt-br/about Bardahl: http://www.bardahl.com.br/site/ DID YOU LIKE THIS VIDEO AND TODAY'S TIP? So you'll like this tip even more, check out the link below... https://carup.kpages.online/dicaextra #fusca #1600 #4x2 #escapamento #escapamentoesportivo #motor FREE DOWNLOAD - PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE MANUAL https://carup.kpages.online/ebookmanu... FREE DOWNLOAD - GUIDE TO BUYING A CAR https://carup.kpages.online/ebookguia... WHERE CAN I BUY PARTS FOR MY CAR: http://oferta.vc/v2/93308f4d47 DISCOUNTED TIRES: https://digitaltrk.com/v2/93bc5ad832 WHERE CAN I BUY MY BOOKS: http://acesse.vc/v2/93165b81cf HELP US BRING MORE KNOWLEDGE TO THE GREATEST NUMBER OF PEOPLE. SUPPORT THE CHANNEL BUY CUSTOM SHIRTS IN OUR STORE Visit: https://autocarup.com.br/loja/ HELP US ALSO BY LEAVING YOUR LIKE AND SUBSCRIBING TO THE CHANNEL, THIS HELPS US A LOT. LEAVE YOUR COMMENT, QUESTIONS, CRITICISM AND VIDEO SUGGESTIONS. For more information, lectures, sending advertising material or products for demonstration, contact us by email: [email protected] Our Website: https://autocarup.com.br/ Instagram: / carupoficial Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carupdicasau... Kleber Willians Ferreira, Mechanical Engineer, specialist in automotive mechanics by SAE Brasil (Society of Automotive Engineers), presenter of the CAR UP Dicas Automotivas Radio Motor channel on Aparecida FM radio. Professional in the automotive industry, specializing in combustion engine performance and failure analysis and effects in automotive projects (FMEA), professor of automotive mechanics in face-to-face and online courses, speaker, carrying out various technical training in the automotive segment, from product training to lubricating oil, for technical consultants in dealerships, mechanics or gas station networks.