After the trip to Piedmont we move to Friuli Venezia Giulia, precisely to Udine for the Padova Interporto - Tarvisio Boscoverde Express Freight Train (TME). The convoy, led by the E.652.067 in MIR livery, is almost homogeneous with the presence of 2 sleeper cars, one of which is a Comfort and one ex Thello recovered from Keller di Villacidro (Sardinia). Following we find an S21 flatbed wagon loaded with various goods, two H32 and H22 type wagons also loaded with various goods and a series of R3 type wagons loaded with: • Iveco LINCE Multi-role Light Tactical Vehicle (VTLM) with Hitrole system; • BV206 bimodular armoured tracked vehicles. The return follows, not of the military train, but of the two wagons. Departing from Cervignano Smistamento and heading to Milano Smistamento, in addition to the two carriages, we find a series of R3 type wagons, a OL2 type gravel transport wagon and, finally, a sestina with an empty sentry box. Enjoy the Online Railways Viewing.