Follow the first licensed FN apprentices... ????Fuzileiro Real Store (The best equipment is here) https://fuzileirorealstore.com.br ????Achieve the military career of your dreams too! Through UNIBE, the largest pre-military course in Brazil. Click on the link for more information: https://wa.me/message/P7O3GDW5QM3EL1 ???? Uniform and trousseau store for you to start the Naval Fuzileiro soldier training course. click on the link for more information: https://www.militarnamarca.com.br/ ???? Cachaça homens de honra the favorite drink of the Marines: click on the link and buy right now: https://homensdehonracachaca.com.br/?... ???? Send me your question on Instagram: @Fuzileiro_real Pedro's profile: @oficial.pedrojunior Rangel's profile: @Fuzileiro_raiz Matheus' profile: @Shoowmann RUN AFTER YOUR DREAM!! GO AND WIN!! _____________________________________________________________________________________ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ BEST VIDEOS ON THE CHANNEL ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ????Career Plan of a Marine Corps • CAREER Plan of the Marine Corps ... ????From Soldier to Fire Officer • EP 04 - From MARINE Corps SOLDIER TO ... ????From Soldier to CORE Police Officer • EP 05 - From Marine Corps Soldier to ... ????First COMANF to Integrate the BOPE • EP 07 - FIRST COMANF to Integrate the ... _____________________________________________________________________________________ After 2 months of internship the Marine Corps Apprentices were released to see their families and have some rest, but after two days of leave, they will return to the course to begin the second phase of training.