Click here and get your FREE Mathematics E-Book for Competitions: https://go.prepconcursos.com.br/lead/... First degree equations are mathematical sentences that establish equal relationships between known and unknown terms The first The next step is to understand that a 1st degree equation is a scale with two pans in balance in which each pan represents a member of it, therefore, everything we do on one side of the equation we must do on the other to avoid altering that balance. Hi, I'm Professor Felippe Loureiro and I'm here to teach you, in a sequence of exercise resolutions, a method that will make you get 90% or more of the 1st grade Equation questions in public exam mathematics right. Check out Prof. Felippe Loureiro ???????? https://felippeloureiro.com/ ✔️Subscribe to the channels: Instagram: / prof.felipp. . Facebook: /proffelippel. . Telegram: https://t.me/felippeloureiro #equação #equaçãodo Primeirograu #concurso #mathematica #rlmparaconcurso #raciocíniológicoparaconcursos #raciociniologico #matematicaparaconcurso #edital #flpodcast #podcast #concurso #mestrado #carreiramilitar #concursoinss2022 #concursomilitar #mathematica #mathematicaparaconcurso #preparaçãoparaconcursos # preparatorioescolastecnicasmilitares #concursoinss #mathematicafácil #mathematicabásica #mathematicafacilitada