The age of 4 months, as the minimum for introducing the first complementary foods (for breastfeeding and formula feeding) is chosen because at 4 months the baby's gastrointestinal tract becomes more mature. 📕 👉 Sign up for a consultation with Professor Nyankovsky: https://nyankovskyy.com/ru/consultati... Article on complementary foods: https://goo.gl/GRYjvy 📺 Video content: 0:00 Complementary foods 0:11 Complementary foods for a 4-month-old baby 1:29 What can be used as the first complementary foods? 2:02 🥦 Vegetable puree 2:24 🍏 Fruit puree 2:58 🥣 Porridge 3:37 Homemade or commercial complementary foods? Let Your Children Be Healthy! 💖 At the age of 4 months - the initially increased permeability of the small intestinal mucosa decreases, a number of digestive enzymes mature, a sufficient level of local immunity is formed, the child acquires the ability to swallow semi-liquid and thicker food associated with the fading of the "spoon pushing reflex". ✅ Watch the latest issues of the "Nyankovsky Healthy Child University" and stay up to date with the latest European recommendations: https://goo.gl/vueRkG 🙋♀️ Join us 📸 Instagram ‣ tps://www.instagram.com/nyankovskih.university/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 👩👩👧👧 on Facebook: / nyankovskih.university -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🌏 Official website ‣ https://nyankovskyy.com/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🎓 Up-to-date useful information for advanced parents and doctors. The latest European recommendations for the introduction of complementary foods and treatment of diseases. #️⃣ #feeding_nyankovskyy #feedingbaby #feedingat4months #firstfeeding #feeding #feeding4 #nyankovsky