A new episode of Grand Theft Auto with Trex! IP: connect cfx.re/join/d9okay Discord: https://discord.io/RoyalRR Game difficulty is Medium RolePlay Applications open to factions and leaders. New! Miner job - You go to the place on the map, take the miner job and enter the mine with the help of a marker. Go straight ahead and press E next to a marker. Wait 20 seconds and you will receive an ore. After you have accumulated as many ores as you want, you will sell them to the NPC near the mine entrance. You can discover more different jobs than you see on each server. The bulletin and driver's license will be taken from the police station after maintaining a RolePlay with a member of the police. Want more content from me? Trex: http://bit.ly/TrexM Roblox: http://bit.ly/TrexRBLX Minecraft: http://bit.ly/TrexMC • Trex •