In the long term, it makes sense to reforest agricultural land. From an ecological point of view, real forests can only grow on their own, but legally speaking, active land conversion is usually necessary. You can find useful information on how to proceed in this video. You can find information about natural forest vegetation here: https://naturwald-akademie.org/wirtsc... Information about possible funding can be obtained from the responsible forestry offices and can also be found here: https://www.foerderdatenbank.de/SiteG... Orientation map for ecological forest conversion Timeline: Entry: 0 - 1:22 min. Reforestation: 1:23 - 4:22 min. Costs: 4:23 - 5:17 min. Funding: 5:18 - 6:27 min. Field or meadow: 6:28 - 7:30 min. Planting 7:31 - 10:05 min. End 10.05 - 10:54 min. ???? FOLLOW US ???? Website: https://www.wohllebens-waldakademie.d... Instagram: / waldakademie Wald-Lernen: https://wald-lernen.de Facebook: / wohllebenswaldakademie