Mohammed bin Shabib Al-Hadari Al-Salimi Al-Harbi (1919 - July 10, 2017) is a veteran Saudi poet and is considered one of the most famous poets in the Arabian Gulf, known for his poems that have been recited by generations. About his life Mohammed Al-Hadari was born in Riyadh in 1340 AH corresponding to 1919 AD. He loved poetry at an early age, and was skilled in dialogue and verse poetry, but he finally retired from dialogue and continued to write verse in all its types and purposes. He is considered a veteran poet whose poetry is characterized by the richness of expression and ease of memorization. Despite his distance from the media, his poetry spread among people due to its richness. His death He died on Monday morning, July 10, 2017, at the age of 98. Prayers were held for him at Al-Rajhi Mosque in Riyadh, and he was buried there. Culture Arts Customs Heritage Saudi Arabia Kuwait Jordan Iraq The Arabian Peninsula Cultural heritage Science Men Hunting Desert Poems Arab tribes Genealogies of the Arabs Sciences Knowledge Men of the Arabian Peninsula Situations Anecdotes Bedouins Nomads Travelers Ether Rhymes