The official Pokémon Sword and Shield Finger-Wagging Official Tournament New Year's Internet Tournament! After successfully completing that fun tournament, Chirisu-sama, who has a connection with Tsukur games, contacted us and we proceeded with content where we would battle as members of the Finger-Wagging Tournament. Our first merger with Chirisu-sama! An unexpected prize of 30,000 won! Have fun watching to see who will be the owner of 30,000 won, and see you in the next video~ ********************* ** :: Join Channel Membership :: 2,000 won - Whipping Pop 6,000 won - Nanum Puff 12,000 won - Nanum / @ahnmori :: Support (Toonation) :: https://toon.at/donate/63706153713291... :: Twitch :: / ahn_mori :: Contact :: (E-mail) [email protected] (Twitter) / dev_ahnmori :: Fan Community (Together) :: https://tgd.kr/ahn_mori :: Ending Credits :: Jibig / AioL. (Soundcloud) / sssyo (Twitter) / s_syo__ :: Thumbnail work :: Night (Twitter) / tertium_nox Chirisu's YouTube → / @chirisu *********************** #Pokemon #SwordShield #The_Finger_of_Monster_Decimates_30,000Won