Patreon - / strelochka * 0:00 Congratulations! 0:56 50% of successful psychotherapy is correct diagnosis 1:20 Diagnosis is not a label, but a hypothesis for convenience 2:02 The severity of a psychological problem is measured by the degree of desire to continue one's development, i.e. evolutionary potential 2:30 Main diagnostic categories of psychosis, personality disorders, trauma, neuroticism, mentally healthy 02:45 Personality disorders 03:00 How a person with a personality disorder feels 03:30 Psychological problems of people with a personality disorder: anxiety depression addiction alcoholism drug addiction internet addiction obesity RHP tyrant 04:40 The cause of a personality disorder - poorly developed BNP: weak stress resistance low consciousness poorly aware of your emotions unable to communicate 07:00 How to cure a personality disorder on your own = TRAIN BASIC PSYCHOLOGICAL SKILLS: stress resistance awareness of emotions communication consciousness 13:40 Therapeutic attitude towards a person with a personality disorder = 50% criticism + 50% approval 14:37 General table with a description of a personality disorder 14:53 Traumatics. Causes: physical or sexual violence bullying death of parents parents abandoned drug abuse 19:39 General table with a description of traumatics 19:58 Neurotics I have to more than I want I approve more than I criticize I give more than I take 27:27 General table with a description of neurotics