It's time to divide the circuits and you've got that question: how many outlets can I connect to the same circuit? Or is there a limit to the number of outlets installed on the same circuit? I'll tell you right away that there is a limit and we must follow the sizing and installation standards recommended by Brazilian standard NBR 5410. Whenever we're going to do a sizing or even a small electrical installation, we must respect the standards, especially NBR 5410, which contains the details to know how many outlets I can connect to the same circuit. There are some rules that we must follow to divide how many outlets we can connect to the same circuit, including the maximum current of this circuit, the power of these outlet points and their supply voltage, with this we determine how many outlets we can connect to the same circuit. So, let's find out how many outlets I can connect to the same electrical circuit. Watch the video and learn these details. Don't forget to share the video: • Find out: How many outlets can I connect... A big hug.