SUBSCRIBE TO FINCLASS WITH 50% DISCOUNT ON FINDAY: https://finc.ly/90219fb72b ????THE LAST CHANCE TO HAVE FINCLASS FOREVER! ???? https://r.oprimorico.com.br/8421502c4d Discover Finclass's lifetime plan, classes and investment recommendations forever! THOSE WHO SUBSCRIBE TO FINCLASS THROUGH THE PRIMOCAST LINK MAY HAVE THE CHANCE TO WATCH THE EPISODE LIVE IN THE PRIMO GROUP! 1. Click on the link; 2. Fill out the form and survey. Answer why you should be chosen; 3. Buy Finclass on Black Friday; 4. On 12/10 we will announce it. Guarantee your pre-registration for the Mil ao Milhão mentoring: https://r.oprimorico.com.br/8fdaaabb32 FULL EPISODE IN AUDIO: ???? https://open.spotify.com/episode/5gTt... Financial tips for the poor to get rich! ???? In today's program, we're going to talk about financial tips for the poor to get rich! The episode is perfect to start 2023 without making mistakes with your money. For those of you who want to align your financial (and personal) goals for 2023, this episode is also a good starting point. Cutting unnecessary expenses, adjusting living costs, saving to invest even more, this program will cover all of this and a little more. Don't miss the tips for the poor to get rich. Today's program is amazing, you can't miss it. ???? Episode: FINANCIAL TIPS FOR THE POOR TO GET RICH (Rich Cousin and Poor Cousin) PrimoCast 239 Host: Thiago Nigro @thiago.nigro Guest: Eduardo Feldberg - Primo Pobre @eduardofeldberg Primo's Team: Kaique @kaique.editor and Lucão @lucaszafraa Your brand on PrimoCast: [email protected] Thiago Nigro's Lecture [email protected] 00:00 - Live 3:02 - Live