In our quiz show FOR A HANDFUL OF DONUTS, two opponents compete against each other in four different categories. There are a total of 12 questions to answer, one viewer question and in the final bonus round you can earn a lot of extra points. The 15th edition revolves around the topic of films from the 2000s. Marius and Jonas compete against each other. Donut lover Alper was chosen as the moderator. We hope you have fun guessing! More quiz shows: • For a handful of donuts: Marius vs. ... #fehd #füreinehandvolldonuts Instagram: / cinemastrikesback Twitter: / csb_de Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/CSB_DE/ Cinema Strikes Back is part of #funk. There is more from funk here: YouTube: / funkofficial funk web app: https://go.funk.net Facebook: / funk