The film Sunan Kalijaga and Syech Siti Jenar (1983) was first shown in 1985. Sofyan Sharna wrote the story for this film, which he then directed with his collaborator, Ackyl Anwari. The films Sunan Kalijaga and Syech Siti Jenar were produced by PT Tobali Indah Film and PT Empat Gajah Film respectively. This film is set in the transition of the collapse of the Majapahit Kingdom with the main plot of the conflict between Wali Songo and Syech Siti Jenar. A film that cannot be said to represent history as it should, but at least it can be a lesson about the role of Wali Songo in the preaching of Islam in the archipelago. A great nation is a nation that does not forget its history, the role of Wali Songo cannot be obscured from the preaching of Islam in the archipelago. Please explore the truth yourself, not just the words. Visit the tombs of Wali Songo, as a form of gratitude and to preserve their role in the spread of Islam.