The adventure film is based on true historical events that took place in Kazakhstan in 1920. The Jarkent Cheka developed an operation to eliminate the gangs of White Guards of Ataman Dutov. Its implementation was entrusted to the Chekist Chadyarov, who penetrated the Ataman's headquarters, gained trust and, risking his life, carried out the task. Production: Kazakhfilm Film Studio Year: 1970 Duration: 2 episodes (1st episode - 70 min.; 2nd episode - 76 min.) Director: Shaken Aimanov Scriptwriters: Eduard Tropinin, Andrey Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky Operator: Askhat Ashrapov Designer: Victor Lednev Composer: Erkegali Rakhmadiev Sound engineer: Evangelina Dodonova Cast : Asanali Ashimov, Victor Avdyushko, Gennady Yudin, Yuri Sarantsev, Vladimir Gusev, Vladislav Strzhelchik, Boris Ivanov, Nurmukhan Zhanturin, Altynay Eleuova, Nurzhuman Ikhtymbaev, Z. Setekov, A. Nemchenko, Oleg Li.