Fig fruit falling before ripening, causes and final treatment The strongest natural fertilizer to accelerate the growth of the fig tree, bear fruit abundantly, goodbye to fig fruit falling, better than a ton of chemical fertilizer, treats salinity, strengthens the roots, rich in calcium, potassium and magnesium, the strongest natural fertilizer on earth, better than a ton of chemical fertilizers, a miracle for plants and fruit trees, an agricultural expert recommended this fertilizer in the winter, helps stunted plants grow at lightning speed, the strongest natural home fertilizer on earth, natural fertilizer 500 times stronger than any other fertilizer, one cup, flowers bloom all year round, accelerates the growth of plants and trees, improves soil properties and strengthens the roots, the strongest organic fertilizer for plants and fruit trees, try using this fertilizer and see the speed of growth of buds, flowers, fruits and soil purification, a natural home fertilizer recommended in the United States of America, the European Union and developed countries, the life of rural people in fertilizing with cow and buffalo waste, banana peel fertilizer, onion peel fertilizer, eggshell fertilizer, natural fertilizer for a tree Lemon is a natural fertilizer for orchards. Organic fertilizer for indoor and outdoor plants from inside your kitchen. Secrets of agriculture and its arts. For this reason, we must destroy weeds immediately. This is what happened when I added lemon peel fertilizer with rice water to gardenias and roses. It has been used since ancient times. It is used for all fruit trees, ornamental plants and crops. It is rich in nitrogen, vitamins, minerals, calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron. Watch the people of the Egyptian countryside in agriculture without costs. #agriculture #fertilizer #agriculture #Egypt #lemon_farming #Algeria #rooftop_farming #mint_farming #garden_farming #Natural_fertilizer.