─────────────────¦►♦◄¦───────────────── █▬█▬█▬█▬█▬█ READ DESCRIPTION █▬█▬█▬█▬█▬█ ─────────────────¦►♦◄¦───────────────── DO NOT CLICK HERE: https://bit.ly/3SuQm7k We arrived at a different gameplay this time with the journey of fifa18, yes that's right, the journey mode of fifa, following the story of Alex Hunter, in this video the journey is complete and unmissable. Fan page: / canalninjageek0001 tweets: / supemerson channel DISCORD: / discord instagram: / canal_ninja_geek Partners: Studio Cosplay: https://www.facebook.com/StudioCospla... Otakuns-PE / otakunspe