Hey guys!!! Another super cool car for you. This time we're going to talk about a Popular Compact from 2010. It's the FIAT PALIO ELX 1.0, the G4 version of the PALIO that was controversial at the time and divided opinions. For me, personally, it only loses to the New Palio with the taillights on the C-pillar. I would definitely have this model. What about you? Do you prefer this facelift or the previous one with round headlights? LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS!!! Learn everything about the FIAT Palio in this video. The history of the PALIO, the consumption of the PALIO 1.0, the positive and negative points of the Fiat PALIO and other curiosities. Thanks for watching this video. Take advantage and SUBSCRIBE here and activate the bell to be notified when we post the next video. Leave your LIKE for Youtube to deliver the video to other people ???????? A hug from Primo???? Contacts for partnerships in the email or insta below: [email protected] ✅ @OPRIMOERIC DO NOT CLICK HERE: https://abrir.link/Cohsm