Want to purchase my courses? Send a message to https://wa.me/message/3X7EFRYLBXEEO1 FGV statistics question from the TCE TO 2022 Contest about calculating the sample size for an infinite population to estimate the mean: [ FGV – TCE TO – 2022 ] Suppose you want to estimate the mean μ of a continuous random variable with known variance equal to 400. The sample size so that we can guarantee, using the central limit theorem, that the value of the sample mean will not differ from the value of μ by more than 1 unit, with 95% probability, is at least equal to: Note: if Z has a standard normal distribution, then P[ Z less than 1.96 ] = 0.975 A 1,002; B 1,045; C 1,278; D 1,423; And 1,537 http://www.direcaoconcursos.com.br My instagram: /profarthurlima #statistics #samplesize #estimation #logicalreasoning #publiccontest #contests2023 #mathematics