Hello hello! I hope you liked this video :) As always, I leave below the chapters of the different topics that are covered, some references to books that I recommend and my other social networks! And well, finally, I would like to leave the following information here: -CULTURED FERMENTATION: selected microorganisms are used in a controlled manner to carry out the fermentation, such as Bulgarians in kefir, scoby in kombucha, live sourdough in bread, strains of different yeasts for beer, etc ... -WILD FERMENTATION: It involves the use of microorganisms naturally present in the environment or in the ingredients used for fermentation, without the deliberate addition of specific cultures. -LACTIC ACID FERMENTATION: type of fermentation whose process involves lactic acid bacteria and the acidification of the ingredients that are fermented through the metabolic and enzymatic activity of the microbes present. Lactic acid fermentation can be cultured (like yogurt, kefir) or it can be wild (like pickles, kimchi, and sauerkraut)... It mostly refers to the TYPE of fermentation. CHAPTERS: 0:00 intro 1:16 ferments vs. pickles 3:16 cultured fermentation vs. wild fermentation 7:36 PICKLES STEP BY STEP 12:29 canned foods 15:53 BOTULISM 17:50 i prefer ferments because... 25:00 more fermentation tips 26:19 outro MY SOCIAL NETWORKS: Instagram: @MaiDirtyHands / maidirtyhands @Biocreations / biocreations @MaiGoldenHoney / maigoldenhoney TikTok: Mai Dirty Hands / maidirtyhands MY FAVORITE PRODUCTS FOR GARDEN AND ORCHARD: https://linktr.ee/huertoyjardin?utm_s... FERMENTATION BOOKS: -THE ART OF FERMENTATION (TRANSLATED INTO SPANISH): https://amzn.to/3PMyJks -THE ART OF FERMENTATION (ORIGINAL): https://amzn.to/3J5y5uI -THE FIBER FUELED COOKBOOK (A LOT OF THEORY AND DELICIOUS RECIPES) https://amzn.to/3U2q3ZG MY FAVORITE BOOKS (KNOWING IS BELIEVING) https://linktr.ee/saberparacreer