Released on August 1, 1975, the title "Strawberry White Paper" is an American movie released in 1970. Lyrics and composition: Yumi Arai "Strawberry White Paper Again" is a song that I have always cherished because of the sadness it conveys even to me, who never participated in the student movement. I cover my favorite songs from the Showa to Reiwa eras, so please check out my other videos if you like. Playlist / @mink_vo Cape Tour / Yamamoto Kotaro & Weekend Cover [With Lyrics] • [Sung by a Woman] Cape Tour / Yamamoto Kotaro & Weekend Cover [With Lyrics... [Sung by a Woman] Cafe in the Student Town / GARO Cover [With Lyrics] • [Sung by a Woman] Cafe in the Student Town / GARO Cover [With Lyrics] Tried Singing Itchy Lips / Takahashi Mariko Cover (With Lyrics) Tried Singing • Itchy Lips / Takahashi Mariko Cover (With Lyrics) Tried Singing #IchigoHakushoOmoichido #BangBang #AraiYumi