Today's PRE-AMPLIFICA welcomes musician, composer and music producer, Felipe Vassão. @felipevassao ---------------------- What's the secret that makes a song happier or more melancholic? Come discover this and other musical secrets with us! https://goldenpill.com.br/ad/dc-cifra... ---------------------- COMMERCIAL CONTACT [email protected] ???? PO BOX 80154 ZIP: 03350-970 São Paulo - SP (Specify that it is for Amplifica) HOST: Rafael Bittencourt - Twitter @RBittencourtOn Instagram @rbittencourton DIRECTION: André Suete - @andresuete PRODUCTION: Fernanda Rebello - @ferebello_ ASS. PRODUCTION Suzana Suguimori - @suguimori ASS. OPERATION: Tainá Biá - @tainabia AUDIO: Jhol Bagueiro - @jholbagueiro Gus Soularis - @gussoularis ✂️ AMPLIFICA CUTS / cortedoamplificaoficial ✂️ AMPLIFICA MUSIC / musicasdoamplificaoficial