#podacelerar #sharktank #lifestyle Felipe Titto, one of the greatest actors on Brazilian television, began his career at a very young age in 2004 out of necessity. He is also one of the entrepreneurs who make up the Shark Tank jury. In addition to all this, he has his own successful businesses that he runs with mastery and great care. Comment on what was the greatest insight from this episode. Also follow me on Instagram, where I always share extremely valuable and highly exclusive content about management, leadership and processes. To follow, just click on this link. /marcusmarqu. . SUBSCRIBE to the channel so you don't miss any videos! If you are an entrepreneur and have more than 10 employees, participate in the selection for the Business Accelerator, which is a 3-day immersion to achieve 5 years of profits and results in up to 12 months: https://www.aceleradorempresarial.com.br