This episode is legendary because the great Felipe Pigna came and gave us an hour and a half of stories and reflections on San Martín, the Nazis, leisure, Perón, Los Redondos, football, astrology, the passage of time and much more. Absolute luxury. While we are at it, thank you for selling out the tickets for the July berretín so quickly! So, here's an announcement: we're going to do another one in August! We are very happy making this podcast and you are greatly responsible. Total Kino Chicken! Remember to subscribe, comment and like it. We have to feed the Gremlin! And if you want to contribute and join the Community, we'll be waiting for you at http://pasarlabien.club. We're on Instagram and Tik Tok as @pasarlabienpodcast. This episode was recorded at @microhouse-tv. Follow them on ig as @microhouse__. KINO CHICKEN ABSOLUTE #clementecancela #diegodellasala #clemente #cancela #diego #della #sala #haveagoodtime #felipepigna