Use our code GROSELHA - https://blaze.ac/GROSELHA and receive a welcome BONUS of up to R$1000 and 40 free spins on original games. Today's guest is simply a complete artist! He tests makeup, has a great relationship with his Ex-girlfriend, and is loved by the NPC crowd! Who else would it be if not our illustrious Felca? Yesterday he was in the flow, but today is gooseberry day. You must be +18 years old to play. Play responsibly, it's entertainment, not an investment! ________________________________ Rules for cuts: wait 24 hours after the end of the episode and put a link to @Groselha Talk Subscribe to Groselha Talk on the channels: Groselha Talk - Cuts [OFFICIAL]: https://bit.ly/GroselhaTalkCortes Groselha Talk: https://bit.ly/GroselhaTalk INSTAGRAM: https://bit.ly/GroselhaTalkInstagram SPOTIFY: https://bit.ly/GroselhaTalkSpotify KWAI https://bit.ly/GroselhaTalkKwai FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/GroselhaTalkFacebook TIKTOK: https://bit.ly/GroselhaTalkTikTok TWITTER: http://bit.ly/GroselhaTalkTwitter DEEZER: https://bit.ly/GroselhaTalkDeezer #GroselhaTalk #podcast #videocast #MucaMuriçoca #gordox #felca @mucamuricoca @williangORDOx @felcaseitaa