Proper feeding of rabbits is a guarantee that your rabbits and rabbit breeding in general will bring pleasure for a long time. Perhaps every owner wonders what to feed rabbits so that they grow, develop, gain weight and please with a healthy appearance. It is clear that feeding rabbits is a purely individual matter and each rabbit owner has his own approach. But today I will show you how I feed my rabbits. For those who are on my channel for the first time, I will remind you that I have a variety of rabbits and rabbits. I have different decorative and dwarf rabbits, and I also have giant rabbits. I will immediately note that I personally do not make a difference in feeding between decorative and giant rabbits, except that the portion that giant rabbits receive is clearly larger than the portion of food for decorative rabbits. I do not welcome feeding rabbits without hay, because hay is not only food, but also plays a role in the prevention of diseases in rabbits. My rabbits, along with compound feed and grass pellets, also receive hay as an independent type of feed. Feeding rabbits only with compound feed can cause undesirable consequences and diseases, so compound feed for decorative rabbits and rabbits that should live a long time should be given in extremely measured doses. It is clear that the maintenance, breeding and feeding of rabbits are very extensive topics for a story and all the information cannot be contained in one video, so be sure to watch my other videos on the issues of interest to you. I also want to say that small rabbits from the very beginning receive the same food, including fresh greens, as the rabbit. Therefore, feeding rabbits after weaning from the mother does not change at all. There is no change in diet, which reduces stress after weaning. The only thing is that feeding rabbits includes a little more oatmeal, less compound feed and more hay. Decorative rabbits, however, like any dwarf rabbit, are also prone to obesity, like giant rabbits. Therefore, if you see that the rabbit is actively gaining weight, then try to give the rabbit food in a balanced way. In spring and summer, rabbit food grows right underfoot, so fresh greens can perfectly dilute the usual rabbit food. Lop-eared rabbits (rabbits with hanging ears, ram rabbits) are more prone to obesity and obesity, these rabbits are less active, so lop-eared rabbits should receive more low-calorie feed than other decorative rabbits. #rabbits #babyrabbits #myrabbits #bigrabbits #pets #smallrabbits #rabbitbreeding #rabbitkeeping #cuterabbits #rabbitbreeds #guineapigs #rabbitfeeding #whattofeedrabbits #rabbitfood #properfeeding #rabbitbreeding #decorativerabbits #dwarfrabbit #ramrabbit #lop-earedrabbit