In the framework of World Cancer Day, we present the second edition of #VivirConCáncer, the initiative of Bristol Myers Squibb together with the Argentine Association of Clinical Oncology (AAOC), which was born with the objective of providing a hopeful look at the prospects of a cancer diagnosis, raising awareness and inspiring society to provide more support and containment. Federico Bal was diagnosed with colon cancer in February 2020. After 10 months of treatment, Federico says that he recognizes in retrospect the signals he received from his body, the impact he felt when receiving the diagnosis and how his life was transformed after this experience. “There is something very healthy in calling things by their name. I didn't have a problem, I have cancer, and you have to take care of it, but above all, you have to give it the name it has.” ???? To learn more life stories and access more information about cancer, go to: https://www.vivirconcancer.net ???? Also available on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/62cMXKV... #LivingWithCancer #AAOC #BMSArgentina #WorldCancerDay #ColonCancer