The guests of the show 'Separated' were Fr. Anto Barišić and Fr. Mario Knezović. Follow us also on: ???????? https://laudato.hr/ ???????? / laudato.hr ???????? / laudato_hr ???????? https://www.instagram.com/laudatotv/?... ???????? https://webshop .laudato.hr/ Support us: ???????? https://klubprijatelja.laudato.hr/ Become our friend and watch missed shows, and as a golden friend, movies and concerts, and get discounts at Laudato Gallery, as well as at Laudato partners . Laudato.hr and Laudato TV operate almost entirely from donations from good people, and we thank you if you join our family. If you want to be a part of the enthusiasm of the Laudato Group as a collaborator, supporter, advertiser or if you want to share your suggestion and criticism on how we can be even better, please contact us at [email protected]. Telephone contact between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays: ???? +385 (0) 91 58 98 443 ???? +385 (0) 1 78 88 592 #molitva #fraAntoBarišić # fraMarioKnezović