The French engineer Jules Henri Fayol (who was actually born in Istanbul) realized at Comambault that it was not possible to achieve efficiency based on intuition or the natural talent of each manager. He decided to establish and organize the company based on Administrative Functions. With this organization, Fayol realized that it was possible to achieve greater productivity and efficiency in operations. In this way, the organization reduces costs and achieves its objectives more easily. To achieve this level of organization, in practice, he adopted the 14 principles: division of labor, authority and responsibility, discipline, unity of command and direction, subordination, remuneration, centralization, hierarchy, order, equity, staff stability, initiative and team spirit. If the principles are adopted, the organization achieves a more balanced and effective and efficient operation, which produces satisfactory results for both shareholders and other stakeholders. #14principlesoffayol #efficiency #effectivemanagement 0:00 introduction 0:20 Fayol's presentation 1:25 productivity 2:15 division of labor 2:50 authority and responsibility 3:48 unity of command 5:22 subordination 8:22 order 9:40 stability 10:38 initiative 11:30 team spirit