Master journalist Fatih Altaylı in Behind the Mirror and Conspiracy Theories How have the country, politics and journalism changed from past to present? What are their new projects, what are the pros and cons of being a journalist in the digital world? Erol Mütercimler asks and answers in Behind the Mirror and Conspiracy Theories. Behind the Mirror and Conspiracy Theories tonight at 23:00 on Sözcü Television How can you watch Sözcü Television? Digiturk: 60 D-smart: 93 Turkcell TV Plus: 69 Tivibu: 69 Türksat Kablo TV: 76 Türksat 4A: 11837 Frequency, 30,000 V, west, fec:2/3 Our Social Media Accounts; / @sozcutelevizyonu / sozcutelevizyonu / sozcutelevizyonu / szctelevizyonu / sozcutelevizyonu #news #agenda #breakingnews