In Holy Week, Mihai Morar offers a priceless gift on the Fain & Simplu Podcast. A meeting with a guest who makes the world a better place through the power of the word: Father Constantin Necula from Sibiu, university professor at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology in Sibiu. The podcast, made for the first time outside the studio, places us from the beginning in a cool and simple place - the Library of the Faculty of Theology -, which we invite you to discover and enrich your mind and soul. SHOW NOTES Follow Your Dream 8:34 "If you have a dream, you must follow it...my dream was the priesthood." About atheism 10:12 "Whoever says he is a pure atheist has no idea what he is talking about, there is no such thing, there are fools who think they are atheists." How do you argue for belief? 12:05 "I do not argue with anyone on the subject of faith... whoever does not have faith is an enormous loss." Prayer 25:20 "Prayer is your friend, you are not always its friend, but prayer speaks to you." Freedom in the present 42:05 "Me, the singer and the parish priest were doing the liturgy and I knew that 10,000 people were watching on Facebook." About angels 43:42 "How do you keep your angel close?", asks Mihai Morar. "Talking to him", answers the father coolly and simply. How can we believe in something that cannot be measured? 46:10 "The Father, Son and Holy Spirit formula is more provable than e=mc2." How do we train for heart enlargement? 1:03:15 "Lord Jesus Chistosa, Son of Dumezeus, have mercy on me, a sinner" - this is the battle tempo", says the father. Light and Holy Week 1:40:15 "The light of Heaven comes only from God, because God is light. When he says "I am the way, the truth and the life", he says "I am the light". #FainSiSimplu #MihaiMorar #ParinteleConstantinNecula SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE FINE VIDEOS: ???? https://bit.ly/Subscribe_FainSiSimplu FAIN & SIMPLU ONLINE: ???? CLUB FOR MIND, BODY and SOUL - https://fainsisimplu.ro ⚪ SPOTIFY - https ://bit.ly/FainSiSimplu_Spotify ⚪ APPLE PODCASTS - https://bit.ly/FainSiSimplu_ApplePodc... ⚪ GOOGLE PODCASTS - https://bit.ly/FainSiSimplu_GooglePod... ???? YOUTUBE - / fainsisimplu ???? FACEBOOK - / fainsisimplu ???? INSTAGRAM - / fainsisimplu MIHAI MORAR ONLINE: ???? FACEBOOK - / mihaimorar ???? INSTAGRAM - / mihaimorar ???? TIKTOK - / mihaimorarofficial