Farmers Kurt Brakelmann and Adsche Tönnsen would never have thought that of their venerable mayor Schönbiehl: the man was a real scoundrel when he was young! When the village pub landlord Shorty tells him that Schönbiehl once even seduced Kuno's mother for a quickie, it's not just the stable boy's brain that starts to work. Soon Brakelmann and Adsche also have the feeling that their mothers could have been gullible. Clarity through genetic testing Schönbiehl naturally denies everything, especially when he realizes that Brakelmann and Adsche are asking for a small down payment for the Christmas presents they have been without for years. When the situation escalates, the experienced all-round doctor Dr. Kloppstedt offers his services. A genetic test could provide clarity. Family reunification or not Schönbiehl and his three would-be sons agree. By the time the results are in, not only is there a sense of nervousness, but also a gradual impression of what kind of father Schönbiehl would be. And Brakelmann and Adsche are not the only ones who understand that the result of the genetic test cannot be left to fate. Episode 22 / 2008 / buettenwarder https://www.ndr.de/buettenwarder https://www.ndr.de