We follow the story of a young man who inherits an abandoned farm from his grandfather, located 500 miles from where he lives. As his adventure begins, the young man discovers that the farm is in need of a complete renovation, as it suffers from neglect and requires a lot of work. He will have to face great challenges, such as: Assessing the condition of the farm: exploring dilapidated buildings and neglected land, and identifying what needs to be repaired. Renovating the farm: gathering resources, rebuilding facilities, growing crops, and raising animals. Dealing with challenges: facing harsh weather conditions, and overcoming obstacles that stand in his way, such as lack of resources or problems with neighbors. Building a community: getting to know the locals, building new relationships, and participating in community events. The video takes us on an inspiring journey, as we see how the young man transforms from an unsure person to an agricultural entrepreneur, working hard to restore the glory of his grandfather's farm. Follow the adventure of renovation and challenges in this exciting story! Game link: https://store.steampowered.com/app/17...