Winning Power Couple, getting married again, intimate photos on the internet, plastic surgery and a sick mother. Farja has plenty to discuss with Laura and Ryan. Although reality star Laura Ponticorvo and her partner Ryan have been together for years, they rediscovered each other during the recordings of Power Couple. While they competed with top-fit fellow candidates, their love ultimately proved to be the strongest force. It comes as no surprise that they want to seal that love again. Nevertheless, our host Farja has a few pressing questions: about Laura's bond with Eva Simons, her views on plastic surgery and what it was like to be hacked and find her most intimate photos on the internet. An episode with a laugh and a tear - especially when Laura shares the latest news about her sick mother, which touches Farja deeply. Are you thinking about suicide? Talk about it. Call 0800-0113 or chat via 113.nl subscribe here → / @rtlboulevard Realitea is the online reality talk show of RTL Boulevard, where the juiciest news is central. Presenter Farja Farvardin, also known as Fawry, discusses the best gossip, arguments and romances with the biggest reality stars and influencers from the Netherlands. Realitea keeps you up to date with the latest gossip from the reality world, from Ex on the Beach to Echte Gooische Moeders. Also follow RTL Boulevard on: Website: https://rtl.nl/boulevard Instagram: / rtlboulevard Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RTLBoulevard... TikTok: / rtlboulevard Snapchat: / chuomlvp #Reality #Realitea #rtlboulevard