2023 Festivities. After five days of celebration, the giants, Akerra and kilikis have to say goodbye to the Txantreanos. 0:00 Entrance of the giants. 2:05 These from the comparsa... 2:30 Paloteado de Cortes. (Walk) 3:23 Paloteado de Cortes. (Waltz) 5:23 Paloteado de Cortes. (Double braid) 7:50 Piripi. 10:43 Fandango. (Alboka) 13:49 Arin-Arin. (Alboka) 16:27 Muskerraren Balsa & La Balso De Combouscuro (Kepa Junkera) 20:22 Cotilla. 23:51 Luzaideko Polkak. 27:34 Bals bat. 31:09 Japi. 34:11 Kalejirak mix. 38:16 Larrain dantza/ Dance of the era. 1. 39:18 The era (2) 42:00 The era (3) 43:53 The era (4) 45:24 The era (5) 47:49 The era (6) 50:21 Prof. 55:42 Polonaise. 56:51 German l. 58:02 German ll.