⭐️Please check out my second channel, Mama's Room / @lialicomama ⭐️I also post updates on Instagram❣️ / leahrikophoto ⭐️I've created an official LINE account! This is where I mainly upload videos of my children's memories from when they were babies! https://lin.ee/rYV6Y68 ⭐️Twitter / leahrikochannel ⭐️I've started Tik Tok! Please follow me💕 / lialicochannel ⭐️Please subscribe / @lialicochannel This is the last song❤️ • Nico Rengifo - Conmigo Music provided by: Production Music by http://www.epidemicsound.com #58-year-old mother of 6 #TurkishAirlinesBusinessClass #FromBarcelonatoJapan