A year ago, Poland joined the group of countries that offer entrepreneurs the opportunity to create family foundations. This legal form was intended not only to protect assets, but also to ensure tax security for founders and beneficiaries. Were expectations met? Does the interest in family foundations show that the market has taken the new legal institution seriously? What topics did we discuss during the webinar? 1. A look at the family foundation market - the perspective of family advisory leaders such as Mariański Group and the Institute of Accounting and Tax Advisory. 2. The approach of family businesses and advisors - case studies of how entrepreneurs use family foundations to protect assets and plan succession. 3. Interpretations and rulings - a review of the most important tax interpretations and rulings regarding family foundations, the understanding of which affects everyday work with foundations. 4. The registration process - we will share practical experiences from the foundation registration process - at the stage of creating the foundation's statute and experiences with the registry court, what works well and what is a challenge. During the webinar organized together with the Institute of Accounting and Tax Advisory / @dorotaiadammarianscy, we will summarize the year of the Act's validity, discuss our experiences and outline the prospects. The webinar was led by prof. Adam Mariański, the main expert of the Senate of the Republic of Poland on the Act on Family Foundations, co-author of the final version of the Act. The best tax advisor in Poland in the field of income tax according to the 13th, 14th and 17th editions of the "Rzeczpospolita" ranking. One of the 10 best private client advisors in Poland according to the "Chambers and Partners" ranking. Director of the Center for Tax Thought of the University of Łask. Chairman of the Tax Committee of the Business Centre Club. Business Center Club expert on business succession and restructuring. attorney Monika Błońska Legal advisor, deals with the ongoing service of entrepreneurs and supporting them in contacts with contractors. Has extensive experience in comprehensive service of individual and institutional entities. Advises on the selection of the most advantageous legal form of business. He also specializes in broadly understood debt collection through the pursuit of financial claims. Partner Mariański Group Law and Tax Office Sp.k. attorney Anita Pardej Legal advisor, responsible for restructuring enterprises conducted in the form of sole proprietorships and companies in the context of succession and reorganization of assets. Deals with the processes of mergers, transformations and divisions of enterprises, taking into account their tax effects. Manager for Family Businesses at Mariański Group Law and Tax Office Sp.k. We invite you to take advantage of the course "How to run a family foundation - taxes, accounting, documents" covering tax and accounting topics of a family foundation and containing templates of the chart of accounts and accounting policy of a family foundation https://platforma.ikidp.pl/courses/ja... #family foundation #fiscus #finances #taxes #accounting #investments #business #company #familycompany