Brazilian Grazielle, 27, lives in Japan with her family and believes she was switched at the maternity hospital where she was born, in Greater São Paulo. Graziela discovered that her blood type did not match her parents' and decided to take a DNA test, which came back negative. On the same day the report aired, a young woman contacted the Balanço Geral team and noticed that she looks a lot like Grazielli. They both took the DNA test and it came back positive. Our WhatsApp: https://balancogeraltarde.r7.com/what... and https://balancogeralmanha.r7.com/what... Subscribe to the Balanço Geral channel: http://r7.com/KKyb Watch the full videos on PlayPlus: https://www.playplus.com Facebook: / balancogeral Instagram: / balancogeral Twitter: / balancogeral Official website: https://recordtv.r7.com/balanco-geral #BalançoGeral #TesteDeDNA #TrocadaNaMaternidade