The first Gundam masterpiece game, combining action and a battle simulation with the Federation, Zeon, AEUG, and Titans all mixed together. A masterpiece game for the Disk System. There are no GMs, Guncannons, or Guntanks, but it is still a masterpiece released by Bandai (developed by a different company). SD Gundam, which was overwhelmingly popular at the time with BB Senshi and Gachapon erasers (Gun erasers), was made into a game for the Disk System. Many people bought the Disk System just to play this, or maybe not. And it was a game that succeeded in making people think that Bandai was a great game maker, or maybe not. One of the masterpiece games that represents the Disk System is SD Gundam World Gachapon Senshi Scramble Wars [Retro Game] [Retro Game Slowly] [Retro Game Slowly Commentary] Famicom Family Computer Family Computer - Disk System Retro Game Video Creation Software: Slowly Movie Maker 4 The audio for this video is by Onyomi. #Famicom #Retro Game #Nukore