Watch this video to find out everything that could be causing your Peugeot to idle when accelerating without pressing the accelerator, or to die when you press the clutch while the car is moving. Also see all the possible points of false air intake in the intake system, how to identify a false air intake and solve the problem. This tip is for the Peugeot 206, 207, 306, 307, Citroen C3, C4, Xsara Picasso, Renault Clio, Logan, Sandero vehicles. ============================================== FOR TECHNOLOGY LOVERS, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THE CHANNEL OF MY GREAT FRIEND AND PARTNER TIARLES NAGATA! CLICK ON THE LINK TO ACCESS THE CHANNEL: / @tiarlesnagata ============================================== NOTE: CLICK ON THE LINKS BELOW TO FIND OUT ABOUT OUR PROFESSIONAL COURSES! COURSE: AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC: https://go.hotmart.com/F42493605M COURSE: AUTOMOTIVE PAINTING: https://go.hotmart.com/O42493651Q COURSE: VEHICLE AUCTION COMPLETE GUIDE: https://go.hotmart.com/M21781834I?dp=1 OSCILLOSCOPE COURSE: https://go.hotmart.com/P32167817N EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW BEFORE BUYING A CAR: https://go.hotmart.com/R5538043E